Questions for Cities Seeking to Regulate Commercial Drone Use Feb01

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Questions for Cities Seeking to Regulate Commercial Drone Use

In the absence of federal and State legislation, local municipalities in California may seek to regulate commercial drone use in the months ahead.  There are numerous questions a City seeking to regulate drone use will have to answer and there are as yet no firm answers.   Especially given the uncertainty regarding the preemptive nature of any federal regulation (or as-yet enacted State law), it is unclear the extent to which a City will be able to regulate the manner in which drones are used within their jurisdictions.  To what extent may a City rely on safety or aesthetic concerns to limit the time and location where commercial drones may be used?  Will a City be able to require a business license from anyone seeking to operate a drone for commercial purposes?  Will a City be able to regulate the media’s use of drones as a replacement, or addition, to helicopters?  May a City enact privacy protections beyond those included in any State law?